Thursday, June 21, 2012

kieler wöche.

 If only there was a Kieler Wöche in the United States.

Kieler Wöche is the largest sailing fesitval in the whole world and is one of the largest Volksfests in Germany.
The interns traveled to Kiel for this festival for one day and it was my favorite day in Germany so far.

 sailing, shopping, international food, dancing, and lots of beer= a very fun day.


This past weekend, all of the interns in Eutin traveled to Berlin. The travel there was a bit rocky (Casey and I may or may not have missed the train), but once we arrived it was very fun.

Berlin is absolutely stunning. Before going there, it would not have been in my top cities to visit in the world but now all I can think about is when I can go back! A beautiful city full of energy and excitement.

We were only in Berlin for two days, but we were able to see so much as the city is quite concentrated. We stayed in the Sunflower Hostile in a part of Berlin called, Freidrichshain. From there we were a short walk from the main Hauptbahnhof, which took us a short train ride into the inner city.

We visited the Holocaust Memorial

The Brandenburg Gate.

Checkpoint Charlie.

And the Berliner Dom.

week 2.

So many wonderful and exciting things have happened and are happening!

This past week I taught drawing classes in local, german elementary schools and the kids loved i
I had an illustration printed in the Eutin newspaper.

I got my very own studio space in the opera barn. And of course, began decorating right away!

I love working in this space. It is quiet and peaceful, and also has great natural lighting! I will now begin working on promotional material for the operas in the Eutiner Festpiele.